Block Management Recruitment: Your CV – Our Take

(If you’re looking for some hints and tips for improving your CV, this isn’t the blog for you. If you are looking for a new challenge and want to find one sooner rather than later, then read on).

It’s a new year, a new start, time to make some decisions for the long-term benefit of your career. But perhaps you’re thinking my CV looks old fashioned, it won’t stand out amongst the modern versions you need these days, it needs updating… Read on and don’t stress.

Who are BBL?

BBL Property is an award-winning property and surveying recruitment expert. We recruit for property management and surveying positions – that’s all. We know the industry inside and out and if you’re a candidate looking for a new role, chances are we will be able to help.

So what about your CV?

We care about the substance of your CV, not its formatting or completeness. We’ll be comparing your experience to what employers have signed us up to find. We’ll be looking for signs of competence, loyalty, qualifications and extracurricular industry participation.

If you call us today and you haven’t added your current position to your CV, don’t worry – you can talk us through your current position and we’ll take the relevant notes.

If you had an unexpected career break, or you feel you’ve moved around too much or even remained in a dead-end job for too long, don’t worry.

If you don’t feel you come up to scratch for a more senior position, you may be pleasantly surprised once you have spoken to us. But we’ll be 100% honest with you and we’ll give you the right advice.

What we’ll glean over the phone (or face to face) is your personality, what you want to achieve in your career, what sort of employer will suit you, and if in actual fact you are better off staying where you are and rolling your sleeves up. Don’t forget to sell yourself to us too…you are in competition with other candidates…

Our approach to CVs

However fancy, attractive, modern your CV is, we’ll give our employer clients what they want: Your skills, experience, job history etc, in the tried-and-tested BBL CV format.

Some may argue that the traditional CV is on the way out, and that someone’s LinkedIn profile – if detailed enough – ought to give an employer or a recruiter everything they need. Indeed, you can now produce a CV directly from your LinkedIn account if you wanted to.

Others will point to the rise of artificial intelligence software reading CVs, looking for key words, scoring and ranking candidates, and potentially setting some interview questions. Undoubtedly, this will help the larger corporates who can receive a few hundred CVs for scrutiny for every available position. For most block management companies, they look to BBL to do the sifting and sorting.

Our no-nonsense approach is what employers need to find the right candidates, fast.

Remember: It’s not about having the perfectly presented CV – it’s about getting the job. Call us.

Senior Block Management Recruitment Consultant
Rhys heads up our block management team having come to BBL from the hospitality sector where he managed a number of high profile venues across the South East.

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